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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th January 2012

Well this was going to be another travelling day but my flight from Hong Kong to Sydney was a late flight so I checked out, left my bags and headed into town on the MTR.

I promised my Mother in Law, Ann (who was born in China and lived in Hong Kong for many years) that I would phone family friends, the Hammonds (who live in Hong Kong) and wish them Happy New Year.  The next few days were a big holiday in China and Hong Kong with family getting together, this was going to be the year of the Dragon.  The Hammonds were surprised to hear from me, I didn’t want to invade their holiday but they insisted we meet up.

After an hour or so of trinket shopping Chris Hammond was good enough to pick me up from the General Post Office in Central Hong Kong and take me up the hill to the family home.  We had a nice natter over coffee and Victoria sponge and even managed to Skype home.  Sharon was chuffed to speak to one of her closest childhood friends, Caroline Hammond.  It always amazes me how kids grow up in just a few years if you haven’t seen them, Jamie and Tash are sweet kids.  Chris kindly dropped me back to the MTR station so I made my way back to the hotel to pick my bags.

From here it was a taxi to the Airport Shuttle train and then a half hour journey to the airport.  I’m getting used to waiting in airports now so it was a chance to catch up with a bit of reading.  I have just started “Moonlighting” by Michael Brown……Tales and misadventures of a working life with eels.  It’s a thoroughly honest and entertaining snapshot of the early days of levering and eel fishing for the commercial trade in Europe.  Working in fish farming all my life I am familiar with some of the difficulties in trying to keep fish alive!!!!

After a long flight (10 hrs.) I arrived in Sydney for a transfer to Auckland but had to wait  4 hrs.  Chance to catch up with some of the cricket.

Slightly shorter flight (3 hrs. had enough of planes for today though) and we land in Auckland.  Easy passage through and jumped on a shuttle downtown to the Hotel on the edge of the City Centre.  So tired, just went straight to bed for a long sleep, nothing else to say.

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